Thursday, March 24, 2011

Religions and Politics

Some people might ask, what does religion have to do with politics?! The answer is A LOT. Religion and politics have very strong ties in many aspects: psychological, socio-economical, socio-political, intellectual, and historical. In history, many countries were founded with religious regimes. Christian and Islamic crusades are prime examples. The Dark Ages when the christian church ruled that caused Europe lots of suffering. And in contemporary politics, Israel which is a state founded on religious background.

However, knowledge of those religions does not explain how religion has been able to have this drastic effect on politics. The reason that religions are powerful is that they shape the intellectual terrain, the ethics and morality of people, and is taught as truth to people ever since they are born. Anyone who studies mainstream religions find that they carry an incredible amount of evil. Mainstream religions teach hypocrisy, fear, false morality, submission, and hate. Anyone who looks at those religions objectively can see their true purpose, which is to enslave humanity.

Most religions are engineered by power-hungry people, and fed to the public to enslave them. It can be seen without ambiguity that mainstream religions pave the way to absolute tyranny. "God" this mysterious being who watches you every minute of every day, and is ready to punish you mercilessly if you disobey. It does not take a genius to figure out that "God" is nothing but the alter-ego of a tyrant government. The primary purpose of religion is to make people sympathize with the idea of absolute tyranny. To trick people into believing that being "watched", "judged", and "punished" is something acceptable. Not only accept this type of behavior, but to support it and root for it. And then it boils down to the oldest trick in the book, bait and switch. Make people accept those heinous behaviors, then the tyrant would engage in those activities without being questioned.

Once people accept the idea of being slaves, enslaving them becomes easier. So teach people that they are slaves to God, then they will be more accepting to be slaves to an autocrat. Teach people that God watches them 24/7, and then having an intelligence agency spying on them becomes acceptable. We now see people okay with governments spying on them with satellites, tapping their phone calls, putting cameras in public places. All those behaviors are facilitated by the psychological warfare that is religion. And of course, God knows everything, so the government should know everything. And God punishes people with endless suffering, so torturing people is okay, especially if torture is used to get information, because the government has a right to know everything. The parallels are endless, but you can now see how mainstream religions fit the picture. Mainstream religions are nothing more than psychological tools that rationalize the actions of a tyrant government, with God as the alter-ego of such governments. When it comes to religion, you need to accept the "facts" without questions, which is very convenient for tyranny. Tyrants don't want people to ask questions, just to obey blindly; And that's easy because they had lots of practice in their religious beliefs.

But of course, God loves us all... That's the christian way of saying: "The government does bad things, but only because they care. It's all for the greater good!"

It is no coincidence that democracy and secularism go hand in hand. Of course change needs time, and the effects of history takes time to heal. But the fight for freedom and democracy is ultimately a fight against religious institutions. The religious beliefs that made tyranny possible and even acceptable. And tyranny and religions shall fall together because they are two sides of the same coin. Anyone observing history can easily see the inverse relationship between freedom and religion. The more religious the public is, the more tyranny is prevalent. And in this time and age, religions are slowly fading away, as freedom is slowly growing more and more. Once again, it is not a coincidence that the most developed nations of our time are those where secularism is prevalent.

Anyone who follows my blog knows that I am a relentless supporter of Satanism. Satan being a symbol of Humanity and rebellion against God. However, it always was (and still is) my vision that promotion of Atheism and Satanism is not just about philosophical investigation of facts of the world, such as whether or not God exists. It goes beyond that: It is a promotion for the ethics and beliefs that will change the world from one that is ruled by tyrants, to one where freedom and personal liberty are essential part of the socio-political scene.

I urge anyone and everyone who is looking for reform in the political arena to understand the negative effects of the religious institutions to our freedom. Your rebellion against tyranny is a rebellion against "God", and rebellion against "God" is rebellion against tyranny. Because at the heart of the matter, they are one and the same. "God" is a symbol of absolute tyranny, and supporting that symbol is the greatest heresy against humanity.


سنفورة said...

Long post.... got lost a little bit :) but all in all, it was interesting...

I have nothing against atheism, satanism or agnosticism. if it works for you then that's fine.. To me, they all are beliefs too just like my own beliefs about religion and god.

As a religious-spiritual person, I like to think of god watching over me more than the idea of god watching me.. the first one is more rewarding and motivating to move forward, become a better person and do the best you could in anything you put your mind to.

For some weird reason, many people who speak of religion, finds it easier to show the angry side of god instead of emphasizing that "god is merciful" too..

I have to disagree with you on one thing though, its not religion that stood as an obstacle against change and moving forward in religious nations, it was the men of religion who were afraid of losing their power if change took place, and therefore, used their image and the angry image of god for their own best of interest. and when people rose against them, they also rose against anything those people represented-religious beliefs..

there have been many prosperous nations where religion was the base and the core of its own existence. look for the "Islamic Golden Age".

Devil's Mind said...

I agree on many aspects with your view. However, I still have to disagree on many other aspects.

The reason I disagree is that you ignore some important factors. First aspect is the reality of the world. So, yes, maybe the religion itself is not corrupt but the "men of religion" corrupt it, in their desire to maintain authority. But this is not an issue to be taken lightly. And it is not a matter of coincidence, because religions in their nature and the way people apply it in their lives allow such behaviors to happen.

So, when you take religion out of its context, it might seem harmless... But when you look further more and see the complete picture, religion does seem harmful.

Of course, you can say, religion is not to blame here, it's human nature that transforms religion into a harmful ideology. Well, that might be true... But there is a reason why religion is susceptible to those kinds of abuse.

That reason is that religions provide answers. Many of those answers might be good, correct, and true. However, I believe that getting an answer is not enough.

If people are encouraged to think and come up with their own answers, some might get good/correct answers, some might get bad/false answers. However, when you think about a problem, you understand the answers better than when those answers are given to you by some external authority. And even if you get some mistaken answers, you can later change your mind and make change for better.

But religions provide answers without justification, which means that if some of the answers where incorrect/misinterpreted, then those mistake will go unquestioned, and are unlikely to be fixed.

So, it is not about what a religion says or does not say... Whether a religion is good or bad... It's about the way of thinking... And religions promote a bad way of thinking... Which is accepting answers without investigation.

To make an analogy in politics, we might argue that monarchy/totalitarianism is not bad form of government... If the king/ruler is "good", then the system is good. So the problem is with bad rulers, rather than bad system. But, in contrast, democracy might not be an ideal system... But in practice, we find democracy to be superior to totalitarianism, and that's because the system takes into account the human tendency for corruption and abuse of power. So, a good political system is not about the laws themselves, but rather the ways those laws are made.

Same applies to religion, it's not about what the religion says, but the way of thinking those religions promote.