Saturday, June 10, 2006

Rehabilitating Through Blogging

It occurs to me that blogging is a great tool for interacting with people and putting one's thoughts and reasoning on the line... It gives the person diverse feedback on thier ideas, whether that feedback was approving or disapproving... Within that line of thought, I think it would help rehabilitating some offenders and help them resocialize and form positive bonding with the world around them...

The thing is, if a person was held for a long period of time with criminals and other offenders, its only reasonable to conclude that this limited interaction with an artificially selected members will intensify criminal line of thought, while on the other hand when those offenders are given a real oportunity to express their thoughts and communicate it with a more elaborate network of people, that will bring them out of their limited circle of social network, and thoughts...

Obviously, this interaction with the outside world should not compromise security, therefore some serious offenders -like terrorists, for example- would not get such benefits...

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