Saturday, June 03, 2006

Liberal Thought And Religion Are Compatible

Some people have misconceptions that liberal thought promotes one idea over another, like secularism over religion, or darwinism over creationism... Stricktly speaking, liberal thought and religion arent oposites; Liberal thought is NOT about what a person thinks, but rather what they allow others to think... So if a person is an athiest but believes in other people's right to think otherwise, then he is a supporter of liberal thought... Similarly, a religious person who conforms to the norms promoted by his religion, yet doesnt impose those norms on others, is equally a supporter of liberal thought!! The conflict between liberals and religions arises from that many practitioners of religions support totalitarian implementation of religion... As has been suggested, liberal thought promotes variation of thought, so as to allow the natural course of evolution of truth...

1 comment:

Devil's Mind said...

Hehe, funny :P

But yes, many parents dont do their jobs well, and ask for governmental ruling to cover for their inadequacy!!